
We see you as our women are beaten, pepper sprayed and have their hijabs ripped off. We see you on the wrong side of history.” Quoted from the original caption.

We see you as our women are beaten, pepper sprayed and have their hijabs ripped off. We see you on the wrong side of history.” Quoted from the original caption.

img_20240503_235324_9656662494410575566865-819x1024 We see you as our women are beaten, pepper sprayed and have their hijabs ripped off. We see you on the wrong side of history.” Quoted from the original caption.

“To the Ahmeds, Alis, Rahmans, Muslim and Arab NYPD, we see you. We see you beating, brutalizing, and dehumanizing our people. We see you turn your backs on what should be your communities for a paycheck soaked in our blood. We see you as our women are beaten, pepper sprayed and have their hijabs ripped off. We see you on the wrong side of history.” Quoted from the original caption.
Pictures are taken from various student encampments in New York in solidarity with Gaza.

img_20240503_235324_724262811236545491950-820x1024 We see you as our women are beaten, pepper sprayed and have their hijabs ripped off. We see you on the wrong side of history.” Quoted from the original caption.
img_20240503_235324_5717137369772836534818-819x1024 We see you as our women are beaten, pepper sprayed and have their hijabs ripped off. We see you on the wrong side of history.” Quoted from the original caption.
img_20240503_235325_404513992928553200739-819x1024 We see you as our women are beaten, pepper sprayed and have their hijabs ripped off. We see you on the wrong side of history.” Quoted from the original caption.
img_20240503_235325_2458465288253330164056-820x1024 We see you as our women are beaten, pepper sprayed and have their hijabs ripped off. We see you on the wrong side of history.” Quoted from the original caption.
img_20240503_235325_1566249576477263792310-820x1024 We see you as our women are beaten, pepper sprayed and have their hijabs ripped off. We see you on the wrong side of history.” Quoted from the original caption.
img_20240503_235325_2271999652035001946546-819x1024 We see you as our women are beaten, pepper sprayed and have their hijabs ripped off. We see you on the wrong side of history.” Quoted from the original caption.
img_20240503_235324_5503714774164906803006-819x1024 We see you as our women are beaten, pepper sprayed and have their hijabs ripped off. We see you on the wrong side of history.” Quoted from the original caption.
img_20240504_0003113107092350847165390-819x1024 We see you as our women are beaten, pepper sprayed and have their hijabs ripped off. We see you on the wrong side of history.” Quoted from the original caption.
img_20240503_235324_8496612452936164779311-819x1024 We see you as our women are beaten, pepper sprayed and have their hijabs ripped off. We see you on the wrong side of history.” Quoted from the original caption.

“अहमद, अली, रहमान, मुस्लिम और अरब एनवाईपीडी के लिए, हम आपको देखते हैं। हम आपको हमारे लोगों को पीटते, क्रूरता करते और अमानवीय बनाते हुए देखते हैं। हम देख रहे हैं कि आप हमारे खून से सनी तनख्वाह के लिए आपके समुदायों को क्या करना चाहिए, इस बात से मुंह मोड़ रहे हैं। हम आपको ऐसे देखते हैं जैसे हमारी महिलाओं को पीटा जाता है, उन पर काली मिर्च छिड़की जाती है और उनके हिजाब फाड़ दिए जाते हैं। हम आपको इतिहास के ग़लत पहलू पर देखते हैं।” मूल कैप्शन से उद्धृत.
गाजा के साथ एकजुटता दिखाने के लिए न्यूयॉर्क में विभिन्न छात्र शिविरों से तस्वीरें ली गई हैं।

Source By Middle East Media

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