
“People are living in a constant state of unpredictability, not knowing what is going to come next, be it more displacements, more relocations, or a regional escalation,” Hassan Morajea, regional access advisor for the Norwegian Refugee Council, said from Gaza’s Deir al-Balah.

“People are living in a constant state of unpredictability, not knowing what is going to come next, be it more displacements, more relocations, or a regional escalation,” Hassan Morajea, regional access advisor for the Norwegian Refugee Council, said from Gaza’s Deir al-Balah.

IMG_20240806_223002_535 “People are living in a constant state of unpredictability, not knowing what is going to come next, be it more displacements, more relocations, or a regional escalation,” Hassan Morajea, regional access advisor for the Norwegian Refugee Council, said from Gaza’s Deir al-Balah.

नॉर्वेजियन शरणार्थी परिषद के क्षेत्रीय पहुँच सलाहकार हसन मोराजिया ने गाजा के डेर अल-बलाह से कहा, “लोग निरंतर अनिश्चितता की स्थिति में रह रहे हैं, उन्हें नहीं पता कि आगे क्या होने वाला है, चाहे वह अधिक विस्थापन हो, अधिक पुनर्वास हो या क्षेत्रीय वृद्धि हो।”

“People are living in a constant state of unpredictability, not knowing what is going to come next, be it more displacements, more relocations, or a regional escalation,” Hassan Morajea, regional access advisor for the Norwegian Refugee Council, said from Gaza’s Deir al-Balah.

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