
On the first Friday of Ramadan, many Palestinians went to pray at the Ibrahimi Mosque as the occupation authorities had allowed worshippers access to the mosque for the first time since the aggression.

On the first Friday of Ramadan, many Palestinians went to pray at the Ibrahimi Mosque as the occupation authorities had allowed worshippers access to the mosque for the first time since the aggression.

On the first Friday of Ramadan, many Palestinians went to pray at the Ibrahimi Mosque as the occupation authorities had allowed worshippers access to the mosque for the first time since the aggression.
Despite this, the path to the mosque was not without obstacles, as a significant presence of Israeli soldiers and border police were stationed along the route near the mosque conducting strict inspections.
During the Friday prayer, the soldiers closed the Abu Al-Rish checkpoint because several settlers had gathered there. The tensions escalated as more settlers congregated near the Abu Al-Rish checkpoint leading to the Ibrahimi Mosque protesting the opening of the mosque to Muslim worshippers.
Their demonstration included waving Israeli flags, blaring loud music, raising racist slogans, and demanding the closure of the mosque to worshippers to prevent Palestinians from praying there.

img_20240319_170107_6404663327734951420100-1024x576 On the first Friday of Ramadan, many Palestinians went to pray at the Ibrahimi Mosque as the occupation authorities had allowed worshippers access to the mosque for the first time since the aggression.
img_20240319_170107_8878704028629341415789-1024x576 On the first Friday of Ramadan, many Palestinians went to pray at the Ibrahimi Mosque as the occupation authorities had allowed worshippers access to the mosque for the first time since the aggression.
img_20240319_170108_2031346301404727567152-300x169 On the first Friday of Ramadan, many Palestinians went to pray at the Ibrahimi Mosque as the occupation authorities had allowed worshippers access to the mosque for the first time since the aggression.
img_20240319_170108_1914140575401691876655-1024x576 On the first Friday of Ramadan, many Palestinians went to pray at the Ibrahimi Mosque as the occupation authorities had allowed worshippers access to the mosque for the first time since the aggression.
img_20240319_170108_2288930729651516859961-1024x576 On the first Friday of Ramadan, many Palestinians went to pray at the Ibrahimi Mosque as the occupation authorities had allowed worshippers access to the mosque for the first time since the aggression.

रमज़ान के पहले शुक्रवार को, कई फिलिस्तीनी इब्राहिमी मस्जिद में प्रार्थना करने गए क्योंकि कब्जे वाले अधिकारियों ने आक्रमण के बाद पहली बार उपासकों को मस्जिद में प्रवेश की अनुमति दी थी।
इसके बावजूद, मस्जिद तक जाने का रास्ता बाधाओं से रहित नहीं था, क्योंकि मस्जिद के पास मार्ग पर इजरायली सैनिकों और सीमा पुलिस की एक महत्वपूर्ण उपस्थिति सख्त निरीक्षण करने के लिए तैनात थी।
शुक्रवार की प्रार्थना के दौरान, सैनिकों ने अबू अल-रिश चौकी को बंद कर दिया क्योंकि कई निवासी वहां एकत्र हुए थे। तनाव तब और बढ़ गया जब अबू अल-रिश चेकपॉइंट के पास अधिक लोग जमा हो गए और मुस्लिम उपासकों के लिए मस्जिद को खोलने का विरोध करते हुए इब्राहिमी मस्जिद की ओर बढ़ गए।
उनके प्रदर्शन में इजरायली झंडे लहराना, तेज संगीत बजाना, नस्लवादी नारे लगाना और फिलिस्तीनियों को वहां प्रार्थना करने से रोकने के लिए मस्जिद को नमाजियों के लिए बंद करने की मांग करना शामिल था।

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