
Breaking – Palestinian children, exhausted and distressed, were forced to evacuate their homes in the eastern areas of Khan Younis today.

Breaking – Palestinian children, exhausted and distressed, were forced to evacuate their homes in the eastern areas of Khan Younis today.

image_editor_output_image-966729574-1723224491445 Breaking - Palestinian children, exhausted and distressed, were forced to evacuate their homes in the eastern areas of Khan Younis today.

थके-हारे और परेशान फिलिस्तीनी बच्चों को आज खान यूनिस के पूर्वी इलाकों में अपने घर खाली करने के लिए मजबूर होना पड़ा।

Palestinian children, exhausted and distressed, were forced to evacuate their homes in the eastern areas of Khan Younis today.

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Breaking | Sheikh Ikrima Sabri, the imam of Al-Aqsa Mosque, condemned the decision to ban him from entering the mosque, calling it unjust and aimed at revenge, and a violation of freedom of worship. He argued that such measures are part of a broader attempt to control Al-Aqsa and instill fear among Palestinians, while emphasizing their steadfast connection to the mosque as a matter of faith.

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