
Breaking | According to initial reports, at least two Palestinians were killed and several others were injured following an Israeli drone attack that targeted a vehicle at the southern entrance of Sidon city in Lebanon.

Breaking | According to initial reports, at least two Palestinians were killed and several others were injured following an Israeli drone attack that targeted a vehicle at the southern entrance of Sidon city in Lebanon.

image_editor_output_image553491515-1723223022241 Breaking | According to initial reports, at least two Palestinians were killed and several others were injured following an Israeli drone attack that targeted a vehicle at the southern entrance of Sidon city in Lebanon.

ब्रेकिंग | प्रारंभिक रिपोर्टों के अनुसार, लेबनान के सिडोन शहर के दक्षिणी प्रवेश द्वार पर एक वाहन को निशाना बनाकर किए गए इजरायली ड्रोन हमले में कम से कम दो फिलिस्तीनी मारे गए और कई अन्य घायल हो गए।

Breaking | According to initial reports, at least two Palestinians were killed and several others were injured following an Israeli drone attack that targeted a vehicle at the southern entrance of Sidon city in Lebanon.

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