
A number of Palestinians received medical treatment at Anjjar hospital after they were released by the Israeli occupation forces in Rafah city.

A number of Palestinians received medical treatment at Anjjar hospital after they were released by the Israeli occupation forces in Rafah city.

A number of Palestinians received medical treatment at Anjjar hospital after they were released by the Israeli occupation forces in Rafah city.

img_20240203_232110_4536088600955594705825-300x225 A number of Palestinians received medical treatment at Anjjar hospital after they were released by the Israeli occupation forces in Rafah city.
img_20240203_232110_5512945176369724419868-300x225 A number of Palestinians received medical treatment at Anjjar hospital after they were released by the Israeli occupation forces in Rafah city.
img_20240203_232110_404246669551517543686-300x225 A number of Palestinians received medical treatment at Anjjar hospital after they were released by the Israeli occupation forces in Rafah city.
img_20240203_232110_1063200883795390404868-300x225 A number of Palestinians received medical treatment at Anjjar hospital after they were released by the Israeli occupation forces in Rafah city.
img_20240203_232110_4819088200348437574298-300x225 A number of Palestinians received medical treatment at Anjjar hospital after they were released by the Israeli occupation forces in Rafah city.
img_20240203_232109_8484919521967340955953-300x225 A number of Palestinians received medical treatment at Anjjar hospital after they were released by the Israeli occupation forces in Rafah city.
img_20240203_232110_6402292974426524781523-300x225 A number of Palestinians received medical treatment at Anjjar hospital after they were released by the Israeli occupation forces in Rafah city.
img_20240203_232110_5833654665728958795943-300x225 A number of Palestinians received medical treatment at Anjjar hospital after they were released by the Israeli occupation forces in Rafah city.
img_20240203_232109_9665411457399474174877-300x225 A number of Palestinians received medical treatment at Anjjar hospital after they were released by the Israeli occupation forces in Rafah city.

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